
Showing posts from December, 2020

Jung: Catnip for English Majors

  Studying English literature, it turns out, is super useful when diving into Jung and dreams. Take, for example, this dream I had when I was thinking about my relationship to control: Dreamed J was a project manager and gave me a task to diagram or analyze the Longfellow poem: There was a little girl,             Who had a little curl, Right in the middle of her forehead.             When she was good,             She was very good indeed, But when she was bad she was horrid. Then P popped into my office wearing a casual outfit with a rainbow belt. I pointed out he might want to wear the tie in front vs in back, and he was pleased for the tip and adjusted accordingly. Suddenly my computer was remote managed, even though I hadn’t put in a ticket to IT. A guy I didn’t know from IT pulled up the chat window and typed something like, “WHOOPS, sorry, my mistake.” I typed back (or tried to—the delay was extreme, and my typos built up, words ran together, and for some reason, numerals kept a